Screenshots 74k Poker Earnings


Sea Legs

I know it's a bit blurry, but I earned 74,256 gold from poker. I had a full house, nines over queens. I'd like to see anyone top that, and if so, post it here and tell me what cards you had. Good luck!
How risky is this game's poker? Did you feel tense? Is the in-game poker handicapped compared to actual poker? Did you know when to fold and when to bet more?
How risky is this game's poker? Did you feel tense? Is the in-game poker handicapped compared to actual poker? Did you know when to fold and when to bet more?
Really depends on how well you know poker, what hands are good etc. It also depends on if you are playing against other players or NPCs, if you are playing against NPCs there's a good chance of winning if you know what you are doing, if you are playing against players that's a different story. You can cheat as well so there's always that lol
How risky is this game's poker? Did you feel tense? Is the in-game poker handicapped compared to actual poker? Did you know when to fold and when to bet more?

The place to earn a lot is Padres Del Fuego. Tortuga hold'em is basically Texas hold'em, but with a few small differences. The NPCs' cards and the cards the dealer puts down are usually connected. You have to know based on the cards if the NPCs will have a flush, straight, etc. For example, if the dealer puts down 4 cards that are all hearts, there's a high chance an NPC will have a flush, since he only needs one more card of hearts.