Request A temporary half-solution to the infamous swimming spawn.


I feel that its is well know to players and devs that there is a possibility of spawning under the map every time you land your ship. There isn't much you can do if this happens. I know 3 ways to reload.
1. launch your ship and re-dock (can't necessarily be done if spawned above ground level)
2.teleport to different island
3.Exit and reload the game
These all take some time to do so I'm suggesting a forth way that might shorten the downtime until the problem is fixed.
4. Allow players on their map screen to teleport to the current island they are on.
therefore reloading without having to swim to a dingy, going to back and forth with teleporting, or closing the game completely.
while you are re-loading empty your cache folder...especially if you sailed, seems to fill up faster with sailing, or being on cannon.
while you are re-loading empty your cache folder...especially if you sailed, seems to fill up faster with sailing, or being on cannon.
Its not so much the issue with loading time for me but the process to start reloading the island where I need to go. After I land, I launch the dingy, turn around in the water, and anchor again. I would only have to load once if I could teleport to the island I was on. Instead of loading the sea, maneuvering, then loading the island again. Cut out the middle man in that process.