Ahoy, I'm Frostywyne

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Had several issues: Arriving underneath Tortuga on quest to see Jack Sparrow. When landing dingy after a good haul of booty - booted from game. Ships don't seem very aggressive on the high seas. Once booted while playing. Upon uploading and entering game again I entered as level 1 rather than six, had no stats, no inventory, but i did retain my current look and new tattoo - which i'm very proud of. I existed the game and rebooted with the correct stats and inventory.
A jolly welcome to ye Frost!

For the issue with tortuga you can swim towards parts of the island (such as the dock) and you should end up on the island instead of underneath it.
Ahoy mate! Welcome to TLOPO Forums! Weigh the anchor and hoist yer sails thar be excitin times here on the forums! :)
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