Anyone else felt like they didn't wanna max their character during double exp?

I felt like rushing the game would remove the pleasure in it, so I just decided to level up to 30.

I feel like it's more of a personal gripe. I don't mind gradually grinding a character, but when the occasional Double EXP event comes around, it gives me a drive to play and really put more time into the character, since I've done the leveling process umpteen times now between TLOPO and POTCO, I'm not really excited by maxing weapons or the character itself.

To each their own though, level how you enjoy leveling. :)
It's really really nice if you're working on multiple pirates, which a lot of people do eventually. But if you want the long journey, play crew-less to keep playing during the event! If you do want to take advantage but not on your main, you could always start a mini just for 2x xp playing