Ask Purple Guy


Wanted Pirate
Ok, I literally have almost nothing to do right now, so I created this. Just ask any question that'd you'd ask Vincent or Purple guy, whatever. Ok, so I'm sorry that many of you have been seeing way too much of FNaF, and I have to say, it is boring, but the theories are pretty interesting. So, Make sure to keep the questions appropriate, not as if anybody would actually do that, but you know, can ever be too safe! XD so All the pictures I will post as Vincent's response, I have not made. All pictures go to their respectful owners.

Hi guys!
Ok I have a random question. Remember the bite of 87? Of course you do that’s when your eldest song got his younger brother killed. Any who, if magically somehow it allowed you to go back and save him, would you experience the agonizing death of the springlock suit again if it meant your son lived?