avatar lettering color.


Pirate Lord
Could someone please post a legend to the font color meaning of your name under your forum avatar?

Such as what does white letters signify?
Can you clarify? There is no significance to the avatar background or foreground colors, if that's what you're asking. They are generated through a psuedorandom process based on your username. The foreground (text) color is chosen such that it contrasts with the background color.
Can you clarify? There is no significance to the avatar background or foreground colors, if that's what you're asking. They are generated through a psuedorandom process based on your username. The foreground (text) color is chosen such that it contrasts with the background color.
Yes I'll clarify. The font color of your alias/pirate name. Ours are blue. What does it mean if your name appears in white font color.
Can you link or screenshot this? I don't _think_ anybody's name should appear in white. Are you using the dark theme and does the username link to their profile? If so, you might be seeing messages posted by guests, which means their account has been deleted.
Can you link or screenshot this? I don't _think_ anybody's name should appear in white. Are you using the dark theme and does the username link to their profile? If so, you might be seeing messages posted by guests, which means their account has been deleted.
Okay, I tried the lite theme and the alias name is in black and I can not click on the profile. There is no link.
Right, so that would be a post which is not associated with any account (meaning the account it was associated with has been deleted).