

Shamus The Brute


It’s simple.

Pirates. :flag: Pirates like to_be blaming people! People (centuries ago) were actually pirates. Pirates we arrr today. POTCO to be_blamed? :confused:

For those of us whom played POTCO, the game itself was riddled with “bugs.” Question: WHY? :dunno:

More importantly, why pirates be_logging to this forums and be_like, “TLOPO can’t be_no good. They can’t even be_at a stage in b(eta) by_beating down bothersome bugs before I begin to bite my breakfast!” But, by what brilliance be_this line of thinking and blame?

Let’s ponder:

Better be_bringing BLAME before B(eta). Blimey! Don’t ye agree?
Personally, i believe that the reason potco didn't fix many bugs after 2011 was funding. They had many projects for potco that got dropped and development time wasted aswell. I believe they had several WIP islands that never saw the light of day in exchange for less "detailed" features such as ship customization(which i think came out in 2011 aswell?) i don't think there were many content updates after 2011 either.
Personally, i believe that the reason potco didn't fix many bugs after 2011 was funding. They had many projects for potco that got dropped and development time wasted aswell. I believe they had several WIP islands that never saw the light of day in exchange for less "detailed" features such as ship customization(which i think came out in 2011 aswell?) i don't think there were many content updates after 2011 either.
It makes me sad that I joined in 2011, after the game was already in its decline. At least we've got TLOPO now, though!