Best War Sloop Upgrade?

If you're doing a mat run and gold run, you might as well get the war brig or galleon instead, then go for a cargo upgrade.

Other than that, I'd rather get the storm chaser upgrade on a war sloop.
Pfft War Sloop is best ship. You can use it for everything.

If you're cluster sailing, cargo/fortune hunter is basically mandatory. Anything else, 14 is a little low but it's fine! Some people even prefer having non-upgraded cargo holds just so the sailing runs aren't so long, since staying out longer means more cargo lost when you crash. (Or sink, I suppose, if you ever do that. But I don't recommend it.)
Alright I'm going with the Skull & Crossbones... I already have the ship materials to upgrade it to level 6, but I dont have any gold left... What would be the fastest way to gather 187500 gold?
Sloops are wonderful ships! I'm going storm chaser on my main pirate simply because I'm basic, but you could probably make any upgrade work honestly. Things are so maneuverable and slick I doubt they'd perform poorly with any upgrade. I actually made an alt pirate which is going to own three war sloops, a fortune hunter, a copperhead, and a third of some sort.

Cheers o7