Training Character progression

Mark Scurvyfox


Ahoy there, me Hearties!
I have been trying to figure out an official way to record our in-game progress so that we may track down our priorities and/or future plans. As some of you might know, I have been a Slowpoke on progress, and thus, there are still a few things I have yet to do.

Without further ado, let us jump straight to the topic. I will start off with my main pirate, Mark Scurvyfox.

Progress planned on being done within the next weeks:
1) Mastering Weapons:
  • Voodoo Staff: Level 27 out of 30
2) Quests:
3) Mini-games:
  1. Play Cannon Defense

Progress planned on being done in the foreseeable future:
1) Mastering Sailing & Cannons:
  • Cannon: Level 10 out of 30
  • Sailing: Level 15 out of 30
2) Quests:

This is your all-in-one thread that servers as an archive for your past achievements/future goals. Feel free to share your thoughts with the rest of us. :piratetreasure:
Kind request: Please keep everything as organized as possible. The thread is pinpointed so that you may keep track of your progress with ease.

Mark Scurvyfox
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Not exactly sure what this thread is and why it's stickied, but I'll play along.

Goals for the week:
- Max sword (currently 20), finding the right spot to grind at after Kingshead group tags turn grey.

- Arrive once again at the gold cap (40,000 to go); ships are expensive. After this I will need to refurbish my cheat card deck, hopefully being accomplished while grinding sword.

- Possibly max shooting and doll skills.

Goals for future
- Max cannon for fury, hopefully before cannon defense starts working. Get revenant when it is obtainable.
Long term/imaginary goals
- Develop a director sight GUI overlay for cannons. Probably never going to happen, but my body shakes at the idea.
I will just update this post rather than making a new one to keep the thread shortish. :)

Imogen Nightingale

Notoriety: 16

Cannoneering: 7
Sailing: 5
Fishing: 4

Sword: 13
Shooting: 7
Doll: 7
Dagger: 6

Goals: Reach Notoriety 20 so I can get brights. Buy a war ship, possibly a sloop. Master Sword and Dagger skills. (Imogen is going to be a bladesman of sorts.) Get a beta key. Get quest jewelry. (I miss my colorful earrings.)

Notoriety: 10

Cannoneering: 4
Sailing: 4
Potions: 1
Fishing: 1

Sword: 6
Shooting: 5

Goals: Buy a War Frigate. Master Doll and Staff skills. Get quest item "Tribal Cheek Tattoo." (Rosa isn't Rosa without it.) Find all the items of Rosa's old POTCO outfit. Get a beta key.
Emma Winters

Notoriety: 14

Cannoneering: 7
Sailing: 4
Potions: 1
Fishing: 1

Sword: 8
Shooting: 7
Doll: 12
Dagger: 3

Goals: Get my old outfits back. Get a War Galleon. Master Doll and maybe Sword skills. Have fun. Get a beta key. Make friends. Find old friends.

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Well, mark you know me, I don't set goals. I just say I'll do something in terms of tlopo and do it xD