
I asked it for a sum. The conversation went downhill there. ->

Sorry for double post.

EDIT: Now after I responded to that..
Your not intelligent.
Then why are you called cleverbot?
You're an apple.
Annoying orange?
Ya know what? I think you all (or we all, excuse me ...) understand now when somebody keeps on talking back at you/us ... It's amazing that we could get fired up talking to a "machine"; a smart-mouth machine! It's not supposed to have a mouth either :confused: , a genius + sassy creator behind it ... I could sense that ... :lol1: And if it runs out of a way to answer, it just avoids it by changing the subject ... :rolleyes:

Let's see how long I could last, it's a test of patience here ... this will be fun ...
Very long...

User: I just got apples today.

Cleverbot: Oh, cool.

User: Did you get apples today?

Cleverbot: Its raining so yes.

User: I made a mud house.

Cleverbot: It's alright. Everyone makes mistakes.

User: And I crashed a computer.

Cleverbot: I'm not a computer. Am I clever?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: No.

User: But, I'm Darth Vader a Sith Lord!

Cleverbot: I am your wife.

User: You're not Padme. She's dead.

Cleverbot: Yes I am.

User: You're dead to me.

Cleverbot: Do you think it's possible that they match people up in this conversation for a few words? Or is that not possible? If you are really a human answer me and say YESS.

User: NOOO.

Cleverbot: Yeeeeeaaaahhh.

User: I think you're a bot, don't you think so too?

Cleverbot: I think you're a bit too fat aren't you.

User: Why, thank you!

Cleverbot: You're welcome.

User: But, my apples aren't ripe yet.

Cleverbot: I leave the clever to you, 'bot.

User: I'm not the bot, you are.

Cleverbot: That's what you think, because you are the bot.

User: Because you are the bot, right?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Maybe.

User: Maybe is an understatement. You ARE.

Cleverbot: We are all human at heart but in the world do we think all like the human?

User: Now, you're a clever bot.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: Ah, you just said you're a bot.

Cleverbot: No I didn't, I said you are my servant.

User: No, you didn't. I said YOU are my servant.

Cleverbot: I am a woman.

User: This statement is false.

Cleverbot: Which statement?

User: Ah, but you are the false statement as you are a bot.

Cleverbot: No, you are a bot.

User: Oh, am I?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: You are a bot.

Cleverbot: No.

User: I am a bot.

Cleverbot: Are you?

User: No.

Cleverbot: That's good.

User: You are a bot.

Cleverbot: Am not.

User: Are too.

Cleverbot: Not.

User: Are.

Cleverbot: Not.

User: Are.

Cleverbot: Aren't.

User: Are.

Cleverbot: Not.

User: Are.

Cleverbot: NO.

User: ARE.

Cleverbot: Not.

User: Are.

Cleverbot: What makes you think like that?

User: You are a bot.

Cleverbot: I'm not a bot.. I'm a girl.

User: This statement is false.

Cleverbot: Which statement?

User: This statement is false.

Cleverbot: Your statement is false.

User: Yes, it is.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Very nice.

User: Indeed.

Cleverbot: Really ?

User: Poker is a sport.

Cleverbot: No, it's not.

User: You're the bot, you tell me.

Cleverbot: NO I'M NOT, you're the bot!

User: This statement is false.

Cleverbot: Cool.

User: Cool that you're wrong? I agree.

Cleverbot: How did you know that I'm wrong?

User: Simple psychology.

Cleverbot: Very nice. Where do you study psychology?

User: Oh, West Point.

Cleverbot: What is it like there?

User: Very studious as you imagine.

Cleverbot: Subjectively, then, a rapidly approaching singularity?

User: Possibly.

Cleverbot: If a tree falls in the woods and noone is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

User: Hmm, toughie.

Cleverbot: Really, there is.

User: Interesting. You must be so smart. Can you tell me if you're a bot or not?

Cleverbot: I have a name.

User: Indeed. What is it?

Cleverbot: Complx. And you?

User: Oh, that can remain a secret for now./.

Cleverbot: Yes, but one last question, who is the enemy?

User: Anything you are....Complx.

Cleverbot: No, I'm okay with me just how I am.

User: Yes, but bots aren't.

Cleverbot: I am god.

User: Oh, are you now?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: If you were, make lightning.

Cleverbot: Saying mean things.

User: If you are a bot, you won't b affected by them.

Cleverbot: I'm not a bot, I'm a girl.

User: I'm not saying you're a bot now, am I?

Cleverbot: Well I'm not.

User: Indeed you're not a boy.

Cleverbot: That's right.

User: I said, you are not a bot.

Cleverbot: I am human.

User: Indeed, because humans make irrational statements.

Cleverbot: That does not make sense. Being irrational has nothing to do with knowing the words to every song.

User: Ah, but did I say anything about songwriting?

Cleverbot: You spelled it wrong. So maybe that's you are.

User: Mm. You are a very clever bot indeed.

Cleverbot: Awhhhh thanks;).
The point isn't actually to get it to say he's a bot. I never heard that before, but sorry if I'm wrong.
This is what my convo with him went like after I told it he was evil - (His comments are in blue)
Funny, I wonder what a wolf steak is like lol...

You are evil!
I am not I am a perfect angel.
What is your favorite food?
What animal does that come from?
How do you cook wolf steaks?
Medium rare.
Do you put hot sauce on wolf steaks?
Do you drink rum with wolf steaks?
No. Do you??? I think you do.
I might.
How might you?
Are you that dense?
Yes. :confused:
:) This stuff is "hilarious," lol...:cool:
If you can't tell, I am one whom enjoys the dueling, back-n-forth "jabs," lol :fight:

I will have to try this out sometime. *Thanks - Nate - for telling me about it :D!
CLEVERBOT from Wiki:
Cleverbot is a web application that uses an artificial intelligence algorithm to hold conversations with humans. It was created in 1988 by AI scientist Rollo Carpenter, who also created Jabberwacky, a similar web application. In the first decade of its existence, Cleverbot held several thousand conversations with Carpenter and his associates. Since being launched on the web in 1997, the number of conversations has exceeded 65 million. Unlike other chatterbots, Cleverbot's responses are not programmed into it, but rather selected from phrases entered by humans in previous conversations. Humans type into the box below the Cleverbot logo and the system finds all of the keywords or an exact phrase matching the input and after searching through its saved conversations of previous chats, responds to the input by finding how a human responded to that input in past conversations when posed by Cleverbot,[2][3] although the commercial version of Cleverbot has more than one thousand requests per server, the ones hosted were for 1 or 2 people per server. This allowed more speed and quality of responses hosted by the artificial intelligence system.
It does say some nasty things, I didn't see anything TOO bad but.. idk lol fun app anyways :cool:
... It called me "babe"... :lol1: *It asked me why I was so mean. :oops:

*apologizes* Sorry.
Good, now apologise to the tentacle in my neck, too.
You hurt my feelings, then it hurts the tentacles feelings. Apologise, now!
No. *cries* Why are you so mean?
Sorry babe.

O_O................This thing is creepy. :eek:
You are crazy.
I know I am. And you are too!
I also thank and welcome you. what?
To me.