Question Co-GuildMaster

This is the section from release notes relating to your question. -2018-5-18tlopo-rc-v1.14.0
    • Guilds have a new rank: Co-Guildmaster!
      • Co-Guildmasters will have all of the permissions the Guildmaster has, except they cannot name a new GM or submit a guild name for review.
      • They will be able to kick Members, Veterans, and Officers.
      • They can promote anyone all the way from Member up to Officer. Only the GM can name Co-GMs.
      • There is no limit on the number of Co-GMs a guild can have, but it is recommended that the Guildmaster does not give out the position lightly.
      • If a Guildmaster names someone new as the head of the guild, they will now step down to the rank of Co-GM instead of Officer.
      • If a Guildmaster pirate is deleted, the game will automatically select one of the Co-GMs to be the new GM instead of an Officer. If there are no Co-GMs, the game will pick from the next highest possible rank, whether that be Officer, Veteran, or Member. ( hope this helps you out Leon.