Suggestion Color Consistency for ship levels

Charles Warmonk

Wiki Staff
This has always bothered me, but ships follow the same level color/loot scaling as land enemies. However, their levels are not correctly colored for experience given. This makes it difficult to both LOOT run and LEVEL [They already very time consuming] sailing.

Here is an example of what I mean in case you need a visual. [2 enemy ships on the left are how it CURRENTLY is.
I agree but think it would make more sense for it to just be the lvl# that is colored correctly, which is how land enemy's tags work.
lv44 War Frigate
lvl38 War Sloop
lvl35 War Galleon
I agree but think it would make more sense for it to just be the lvl# that is colored correctly, which is how land enemy's tags work.
lv44 War Frigate
lvl38 War Sloop
lvl35 War Galleon
I'd would be ok with either option, as long as you CAN tell the ships color corresponding with level.