Critiscm on Legendaries

If it's not luck and the odds are unrealistically in ones favor, then the possibility of 3rd party cheats, to faking screenshots could be considered. There are plenty of knowledgeable people who post on the forums that at times revealed a knowing far beyond the normal mortal. Can't trust screenshots much any more. There's always some darkside to games.
you cant trust anyone these days o_o
I think we all agree that extremely unlucky means you got nothing but what exactly qualifies as extremely lucky? How many is so many that it would seem impossible?
Extremely lucky would be looting yore and then immediately going to the cursed caverns and killing one urchinfist and getting world eater blade.
Extremely lucky would be looting yore and then immediately going to the cursed caverns and killing one urchinfist and getting world eater blade.
If, let's say for sake of argument, someone looted approximately 3000 Haunted Bones at either of the two Hollowed Woods bosses this year how many legendaries found at those two bosses would seem beyond expectation? 3000? 100? 20? 10? 5? 4?... I feel that 3 seems definitely not crazy to think someone might get 1 per 1000 haunted bones on average but what about 20? There must be an actual answer to this but it's not clear on the face of it.
I looted well over 1,000 haunted bones throughout the event, plenty of which were found in the Hollowed Woods, not a single legendary, nor the breath of the hollowed woods. Some players seem very lucky, while others, like myself, are not. I myself actually have only looted one legendary, a silver freeze from foulberto smash. Eventually looting famed weapons becomes unsatisfying once one gets to a certain point as 9/10 it's a repeat, I feel the next tier should be a little more common for the satisfaction of the average player. Legendaries are not the main objective of the game and they are supposed to be "legendary" , but the drop rate seems pitifully low, it's unsatisfying and rather discouraging. With the current amount of legendaries in the caribbean currently I feel that upping the drop rate a little bit wouldn't hurt as I'm sure most players would continue looking for the ones they hadn't looted.
This discussion comes down to the fundamentals of the game's core design.

At first, [When level cap was locked at 40] the game's story line was the designers main point of the project.

Next, when they added a few islands and more bosses, crew days, and pvp. They shifted into giving the players as many tools to build a community inside the game.

Later on, they realized that as the community grew the veteran members needed something to gain or achieve. In other words, something to reward playing. This brings us to looting...

The first legendary to be released was El Patron, the sword was given very low odds. They released looting to reward players and were aware that their audience [At the peak release of loot] was around 20,000-50,000 players. The numbers for legendary odds were BASED around THESE NUMBERS. Near the end of the game the numbers were only 5,000. Currently with TLOPO the numbers are floating around 1,000-3,000 range. So I can tell it might feel frustrating to hear that the odds are not in anyone's favor here. However, the odds in POTCO drop rates are not copy/pasted into TLOPO. So this whole discussion about legendary drops needing changes is very baseless in my opinion. You need a more focused argument like WHAT to change.

[I think only RANDOM boss' should have a slightly better odds, since they spawn with 4x more hp currently and give the same reward/odds as a normal enemy.]

I am not siding with anyone on this subject, because I don't believe their should be sides. If you're a hardcore looter or not, I think we can all agree that we should takes steps into finding out the problem before demanding TLOPO fix something that is clearly a very delicate matter for our small community.

So, I propose this in the meantime...
@The Crew - We'd love to hear a statement of what you [The team] are trying to focus on currently so the community can get behind and help you with feedback. [Chose your words carefully. Is it keeping players playing, releasing new systems, or simply getting ready for full release?]
@The Community - You should be giving feedback directly to theses post that The Crew post, so they know the things they ARE working on.... WORK. The faster we help them fix the problems they have, the sooner they will be able to focus on other things such as loot odds.

It's helpful to make threads in order to bring attention to problems so that the developers know what to address first, as well as to check if your opinion is shard among the community. <3

:2 cents:
Yeah, I agree @The Crew I feel like should touch on the matter regarding to legendaries and how their spawn rates work, and to possibly check in the chances of a bug MAYBE existing.

It doesn't matter if you're a hardcore looter or not, or if you have ''extremely lucky'' or unlucky loot luck, and especially with how niche TLOPO is as a community, the legendary status exists for the reason but you shouldn't be that one guy to grind for the whole event to get maybe a famed or two and some brights.
Also, as a side post. - This thread was
Yeah, I agree @The Crew I feel like should touch on the matter regarding to legendaries and how their spawn rates work, and to possibly check in the chances of a bug MAYBE existing.

It doesn't matter if you're a hardcore looter or not, or if you have ''extremely lucky'' or unlucky loot luck, and especially with how niche TLOPO is as a community, the legendary status exists for the reason but you shouldn't be that one guy to grind for the whole event to get maybe a famed or two and some brights.
You didn't read my post correctly if this is what you got out of it...
Yeah, I agree @The Crew I feel like should touch on the matter regarding to legendaries and how their spawn rates work, and to possibly check in the chances of a bug MAYBE existing.

It doesn't matter if you're a hardcore looter or not, or if you have ''extremely lucky'' or unlucky loot luck, and especially with how niche TLOPO is as a community, the legendary status exists for the reason but you shouldn't be that one guy to grind for the whole event to get maybe a famed or two and some brights.

We've checked multiple times with multiple developers and can confirm there's no bug.

This is just a case of probability and the nature of RNG. We've seen people rarely (if ever) get a legendary, and others get one on the first kill of their looting session. While both are extremes, it's to be expected and will happen with any RNG-based system, no matter what it is.

What would be somewhat concerning is if there were no extreme cases like the above, but that's not the case.

In short, we're absolutely positive that there's no bugs with the loot system.

What's the drop rate?? Is it different per boss? How many skulls/chests should it take? Only questions I got..

Apologies, but we can't reveal this information. We can, however, assure you that the rates we're seeing are exactly what we were expecting.
We've checked multiple times with multiple developers and can confirm there's no bug.

This is just a case of probability and the nature of RNG. We've seen people rarely (if ever) get a legendary, and others get one on the first kill of their looting session. While both are extremes, it's to be expected and will happen with any RNG-based system, no matter what it is.

What would be somewhat concerning is if there were no extreme cases like the above, but that's not the case.

In short, we're absolutely positive that there's no bugs with the loot system.

Apologies, but we can't reveal this information. We can, however, assure you that the rates we're seeing are exactly what we were expecting.

Still a big point stands, the droprate is pitifully low. A lot of us just don't have the time to do massive loot 6-8 looting sessions and even then unless the stars and planets align within favour you're not likely going to get much of anything. Legendaries shouldn't exclusively tailored for hardcore lootists who have that time to give.
Still a big point stands, the droprate is pitifully low. A lot of us just don't have the time to do massive loot 6-8 looting sessions and even then unless the stars and planets align within favour you're not likely going to get much of anything. Legendaries shouldn't exclusively tailored for hardcore lootists who have that time to give.

More people get legendaries than you may realise. We're happy with the drop rates at the moment, but we're not against revisiting them in the future if it becomes a widespread issue.
To those of you that did not get a Legendary at Hallowed Woods I feel for you. I have spent over 1300 hours at Palifico with no Leviathan but have received 2 SF and 2 Patrons. If the drop rate for legends is truly .085 then that is well below what I should have received. As far as Hallowed Woods is concerned I did loot for 400 hours and get 7 legends ( 3 Dark Whispers, 3 Soul Shadows, 1 Sphere) . If you are conservative and estimate 10 skulls per hour the law of averages indicate that this is pretty accurate.
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Doubt I’ll convince anybody but there is currently no bug that will affect your loot chances.
It was stated on this thread that the RNG ratios have most likely been changed by tlopo and are not copy pasted from potco.
If this isn't true and the RNG is set to a profile of 50K players and tlopo is using those numbers, wouldn't this effect such a smaller group like 5K players of Tlopo. Potco or tlopo, does the RNG have any total player count as a parameter?

I think the staff is rather good at looking at both sides of things, coding and otherwise. But consider players who aren't math and odds conditioned and math isn't their first language, like myself. When in game when I see people complaining about their fifth freeze and seventh el patron AND I don't see they are looting any longer or intense than I am, and I've only gotten three legendary in almost three years that staff can see how the layman player can feel there's something wrong. It just simply doesn't look right. So that said, I can see how back and forth this subject can get.

Sadly, based on direct observation in the last year, I have seen much game shenanigans in game and being educated in the forums as well that nothing would surprise me including gaining items questionably.
To those of you that did not get a Legendary at Hallowed Woods I feel for you. I have spent over 1300 hours at Palifico with no Leviathan but have received 2 SF and 2 Patrons. If the drop rate for legends is truly .085 then that is well below what I should have received. As far as Hallowed Woods is concerned I did loot for 400 hours and get 7 legends ( 3 Dark Whispers, 3 Soul Shadows, 1 Sphere) . If you are conservative and estimate 10 skulls per hour the law of averages indicate that this is pretty accurate.
I agree. I remember not long ago that staff mentioned some work on skull drops. They were clear that the insides results were not effected, just that skulls dropped a bit more frequently. More skulls would logically mean more items in less time. That's it. There was no loot changes that they mentioned. I clearly noted more frequent skull land drops after they stated this.
I am an event manager and handled several farming events in HW. I never heard of one person getting a legendary in all of the events there. Though I did see 2 people get Yore at the twins in that 2 months of time.