Discussion (Endcycle from Minecraft) Skyrim


I used to have a spigot server for skyrim except i got inactive and basically put the entire server including server props on my google drive just couldn't continue it i do plan to finish it in time but right now moved onto another project right now basically building a city world gta style from scratch won't be any similar to original gta just a flat world in gta style first i can work on content then will work on shaping the terrain etc me and my friend are the only two working on this project so basically it could be never finished but this is all being done on his vanilla server since my current spigot server is having issues atm delete world folder put custom map terrain and get broken world gen map well technically this one map loaded the flat world but if you go out far enough you will see the rest of the map that was previously there which is odd since i deleted that world folder but anyways enough being off topic lol whats your guys opinion on a skyrim server do you think its possible still I also brought a unique idea to the table when i had this server I was planning to allow player made dungeons there would also be kingdom clans and classes if I could possibly find plugins for them