every gotten REALLY bored of potco?

lol im gonna rob a gas station with a paper kitten that shoots rainbows out of its nose and pie out of its eyes........ dont ask.... i had six Mountain Dew Code Reds today... :woot::woot:

i can beat that one time i was at a gaufest and me and my moms boyfriends son had enough soda for a huge pyramid of soda cans (we took some from other people eventually but yea and technicaly i had my 2 sisters and his sister their but they didnt drink much) oh yes and captain penut butter u forgot the classic ding dong ditch, purposely loose a memory game to not get up and say do i get a prize, play manhunt and jump into the pool (=( i wanted to do this but i couldnt make it to one of my friends houses when he was doing a game) oh yes lets not forget this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QiUYOUaua8
ROFL That was very odd but funny. I have done some of those things when i was younger and my parents were still around.... People thought i was crazy. :lol1:
I LOVE THIS THREAD!!! XD I have got to go do some things now.... I got one!! - Get inside a clothes rack at Wal*Mart and when someones looking though the clothes jump out and say, "Welcome to Narnia!!"