Favorite Enemy Ship?

Warships, preferably the Battle-Royale because it has the coolest name of the three, and they gave the best loot for upgrades. (Needed that oak and steel for fortune hunter/skull and bones).
Nothing like starring along the barrel of your cannon at endless Bounty Hunters and War Ships on the edge... hours of fun! Plus as VoidWalker said above that's what Mat Runs were all about only a few months of endless plundering to upgrade your ships instead of years!:xbones:

Apart from that there never seems to be enough Juggernauts and of course Treasure Fleets and Queen Anne.:xbones:
:pirate ship:
I'd say the Treasure Fleets as a whole'd be my favorite, because even if you're sailing a maxed out, defensive boosted War Galleon, and you try to solo the fleet, you will end up being sunk within seconds, (unless you're really, really lucky) requiring the help of other pirate warship captains to sink the fleets.
That, and they give great loot. :p
In POTCO Juggernauts were my favorite, they were so rare that just finding them was a great feat in itself. With the state of TLOPO it's hard to pick any as they just don't perform and none that I saw were rare. I've heard that flagships occasionally spawned but I never saw one so it's hard to choose something I never saw. Of course I, like everyone, have high hopes for the future:)
My favorite are the Storm Reapers. I always loved hearing so many of their lightning shots hit with that powerful roll of thunder.