Weapons Fencer's or Bruiser's?


So I've been thinking of ideal ways to fight with a sword, but WITHOUT using some kinda crazy overpowered damage weapon (could name names, but I won't xD). Now, I'm stuck between two swords, mostly because I LOVE Sabres, but this Cutlass is pretty cool too and it's a tough decision. Looking for opinions, contraries or really any comment or missing information here that might make my decision easier on what my "goal weapon" should be.

Here's my two-sense on these swords:

Master Fencer's Sabre

Description: Proven to be VERY effective even in the Rare version of itself, "Musketeer's Sabre" is something I've used a lot. THAT version is already awesome, adding extra "Parry" AND "Finesse", which is cool because of "Finesse" reducing cool-downs on "Brawl", allowing me to stun more, which bridges the gap between each time I activate the Sabre's ability, "Master's Riposte". An ability with insane "Parry" boost, good for taking on damage from multiple targets at once, and MAYBE even good in PVP if I can actually manage to hit all those jumping Broadsword users. xD

Note: (Downside may be that the Master Fencer's Sabre does considerably less damage than the Bruiser's Cutlass)

Strategy: The idea/routine is fairly simple; if I were fighting 1v1 with an enemy (let's say a melee boss fight for example) I would start with "Taunt", then move into a combo and begin hitting. The "Master's Riposte" bar fills up while TAKING damage, and DEALING damage. So it fills rather quickly, not to mention that it will (as most damage bars work) fill up quicker if I'm DEALING LESS damage, or TAKING MORE damage. So I can always rely on it to be a present thing, unless fighting someone much below my level, in which case I don't need it anyway. Next, once the "Master's Riposte" is ready, I activate it and continue attacking. At this point, I have both the "Master's Riposte" AND "Taunt" abilities active at the same time. This provides a lot of dodge when fighting intermediate (or even hard) enemies. Once "Master's Riposte" runs out, if it isn't ready again, I "Brawl" (stun) my opponent and begin attacking again. "Master's Riposte" SHOULD be ready again by the time they are released from "Brawl's" effect. If it is, I'll use it again and then continue dodging/attacking as usual. I may have to add some "Taunt" every now and then which will hurt my timing just a little, but other than that, the strategy seems flawless.

(Battle Procedure)
1. Taunt
2. Attack
3. Master's Riposte
4. Attack
5. Brawl
6. Attack
7 Master's Riposte
8. Attack
9. Brawl
10. Attack

1. Brawl 5 (which is useful for anyone really)
2. Taunt 1 (already good as is, doesn't need upgrades)

Bruiser's Cutlass

Description: The "Brawler's Cutlass" (Rare version of this sword that I own) is already quite powerful for stunning enemies, while also still doing considerable damage. This sword's special ability, the "Power Slash" does effective damage while simultaneously knocking over the enemy. This looks exactly like when an explosion hits the player and causes them to fall onto their back, but doesn't kill them. I see it as like a different variant of "Brawl", due to it disabling enemy actions for the duration of the effect. This sword also has an awesome Stun Immunity, which is REALLY cool in PVP.

Note: (Downside may be that the Bruiser's Cutlass has much less defense, and higher cool-downs than the Master Fencer's Sabre)

Strategy: The idea is to constantly switch between "Brawl" and "Power Slash", in order to keep your opponent disabled so you can attack freely without contest. "Power Slash" can be recharged by TAKING and DEALING damage, exactly like "Master's Riposte". The only problem with DEALING damage using this sword, is that the more damage you DEAL, the LESS value your damage will have on the "Power Slash" recharge. This makes you have to rely on your opponent doing MORE damage in order to use the ability. I've decided to mix in "Bladestorm" to support the more damaging lifestyle of a Cutlass (versus that of a Sabre) as a result of this slower recharge. The cool thing about this sword in PVP, is that you cannot be stunned. In the event the enemy would use "Brawl", they only cost themselves time, since you'll be immune to it. The main perks of this sword are damage, and "Stun Immunity", while dabbling in two different stun moves.

(Battle Procedure)

1. Brawl
2. Bladestorm
3. Attack
4. Power Slash
5. Attack
6. Brawl
7. Bladestorm
8. Attack
9. Power Slash
10. Attack

1. Brawl 5 (boosted by sword 3+ BUT rank 5 necessary due to sword's boost not adding stun time)
2. Bladestorm 5 (who doesn't love that damage, EH?)

So those are my ideas, strategies and two-senses on the subject of these two swords. As always with any post I'll make, I love comments, contrary remarks, ideas, corrections or missing information etc. If you simply just wanna share your opinion on which one YOU'D like to use, be my guest.

(P.S. Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors)


  • Master Fencer's Sabre Image.png
    Master Fencer's Sabre Image.png
    87.7 KB · Views: 205
  • Bruiser's Cutlass Image.png
    Bruiser's Cutlass Image.png
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