Fort Raiding


Good afternoon, all.

Today, I would like to present a new challenge for Pirates across the oceans; Fort Raiding!

So many times, we all get bored with the same old grind, pointlessness. Fort raiding would allow you to raid forts with other pirates and ships, as well as be presented a challenge. Here are some ideas I have;

When initiating an attack on a Fort, the closest port deploys a certain amount of ships to defend the fort based on the Fort's level.

A level 50, Level 55, and Level 60 Fort with their Commanders matching in rank to the fort level.

Introduction of a challenge, ensure that each fort level can not be done by one crew, unless of course it is a full crew of level 30's and above.

Fort Rewards; Commander's Sword [Legendary] presented to a savvy pirate, gold distribution for all.

There may be more ideas to come, which is why I look forward to the comments. I understand this would take a while to create, but it would keep the game lively.
While I do like the idea, with the way that Port Royal is laid out, I don't think that it would be an optimal place for something of this fort, atop of this considering that this is where the lower leveled pirates will spawn and will be forced to deal with such a thing.

If this were to be implemented, I'd recommend sieges only allowed to take place on Padres's Fort Dundee and King's Head, altering your idea slightly between the Level 50 Fortress (Padres), and the Level 60 Fortress (KH). I also think that a Legendary drop from something like this alone is sort of pointless, and intensely frustrating to farm for in circumstances like this.

If this is ever considered for introduction, please, consider expanding the loot pool to more Navy (or EITC) exclusive weaponry, Famed for instance, and don't make the whole darn update centered on a Legendary. That's just bad design.
Like another form of cannon defense??? Put on the newer islands when released..
Something more active than Cannon Defense that requires you to have a crew and work together with several different waves: Siege, Battle, Loot, and Escape kinda thing. Probably have to use both sailing and looting type skills. I like your idea to make it a mini game on new islands. I am thinking it could be a bit like the Black Pearl Boss Battle and require you to have a crew of a certain minimum size to play.
This sounds awesome! I agree with Misha that there would need to be some weaker weaponry during the Raids, but I do think there should be one Powerful Weapon to loot for. Personally I would rather run raids with a team then sitting at a boss mindlessly. IMO what we have now is bad game design.
I actually had a similar idea back in April if you wanna check out what I wrote!