Announcement Happy 2019 !!!!!

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My resolution is to better manage my finances. My wife handled all of oue finances all 44+ years of our marriage. Since her passing I have had to learn quickly about the bills, when due and keeping the bank account in good order etc. I had no clue what skill she had and what it takes to be effective! In addition I resolve to learn to cook as I am growing weary of frozen pizza. I resolve to learn housekeeping skills.
Happy New Year! I hope 2019 will be a decent year for us all.
My resolution is to improve myself as a human being and to seek the opportunities that can provide me how to do it. So, in order to achieve this, I am planning to read books and papers (researches) about my major and whatever I want. Also, I am planning to travel to various countries to examine different cultures and seek new experiences.

Finally, today is the 5th blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one!
I have yet set all my New Year's Resolutions,
however... my recent task is to lose weight and lazinessthat I gained since holidays, :lol1:!
And most importantly, live life to the fullest everyday :D,
& show more loves <3<3<3 and concerns to all my family & loved ones.:hugs:
Have a :nybanner: !!!
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