Announcement Happy Valentine's Day <3

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My True Love is.....pancakes with cinnamon sauce, which I will get to enjoy time with tomorrow (pancake day)

...other than that, my family, friends, online friends....and a certain gentleman pirate who although only being in my life a couple of years now, has a very large portion of my heart with his name on it :oops:<3

The weekend.

My True love.... That's quite simple - my gorgeous soulmate and wife (yes... She owns my soul ) for 18 amazing years. With just a sprinkle of two of the cutest furry terrors this side of the pond , followed up with the good ship TLoPO; her fantastic crew, and the equally fantastic community aka "All who sail on her!"... Let's top that off (finally! Lol) with Writing and Carving... and a splash of You, kind reader of this rather long post!
Fair winds and Happy Valentine's (belatedly) ~ Rascal.
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