Guide  How To Add A Pic To Your Pirate

How To Add Pic To Your Pirate
Step 1-Click your name
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Step 2-Click Your Profile Page or Your Pirates
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Step 3-If you clicked Your Profile Page click Pirates
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Step 4-Click add pirate if you don't already have oneView attachment 1242
Step 5-Click Upload a File then decide if you want to choose Make Fit and when your done Save Pirate
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Step 6-When your done you will see it and if you want to change it hit edit and repeat step 5
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Step 7-Thank Will White For Posting This
WoW! Really great, you know how to explain things... :)
EDIT (Feb 7, 2011 at 10:15 AM):
But how do you get a picture of your pirate like what is on the in-game profile cards?
Click on you in the game, and when you are on your profile card, take a partly screenshot of it :)
I see this post has not been active for many years!! so hope someone sees it lol

When I first added my pirate to the forums I had no problems adding a Pic but my pirate has changed and I wanted to update her and am having issues renewing the pic now.

When I am asked to choose a file I find my .jpg and put it in. But when I do it shows the loading bar for a few seconds on the top right of the screen then says no file chosen.
I don't understand..I have tried multiple pictures and it doesn't want to know. And had no trouble with my original one.
The size of my preferred pic is 14.6 kb. Dimensions 135x200. Resolution height and vertical 72dpi so I really cant see an issue.
Cant anyone help?
I see this post has not been active for many years!! so hope someone sees it lol

When I first added my pirate to the forums I had no problems adding a Pic but my pirate has changed and I wanted to update her and am having issues renewing the pic now.

When I am asked to choose a file I find my .jpg and put it in. But when I do it shows the loading bar for a few seconds on the top right of the screen then says no file chosen.
I don't understand..I have tried multiple pictures and it doesn't want to know. And had no trouble with my original one.
The size of my preferred pic is 14.6 kb. Dimensions 135x200. Resolution height and vertical 72dpi so I really cant see an issue.
Cant anyone help?

Did you remove the old pic first? You need to remove that one before it lets you upload a new one :)
...if it's not that then I can't help though XD
Luna did you have any luck yet? I know my old puter I chose like specific file like .jpg for instance, but I have to choose All Files now or it won't work. Some drop downs like in windows 10 have different choices, but in the Pictures folder its already all files no choices , in my photo apps there are specific file types to choose.
I just had a look and yes it doesn't give me any choice but ''All Files''. So do I need an app to get the pic to upload do you think?
I have Win 8.1
try hosting your pic somewhere like you can upload it to there first. its free. hope its ok to list that link, I haven't had any problems with that site. then it should have a download file to save it to your puter. then use that one.
I'm afraid that didn't work either :( I wonder if its my account or something. It shouldn't be this hard to add a pic lol.
I've even tried different file formats and resizing the pic but it still wont let me do it.