hunters broke?

LOL, they should change their name to Flying Circle, because that's what they do!
They fly circles around you. It also became very evident that there's more than meets the eye to the Hunters. They clearly go backwards as needed when you are sailing in the opposite direction in order to broadside you. I had a Flying Circus come right at me, head on while I was sailing at 17 knots and stop next to me and fire, then proceeded to sail past me, as we were both going in exact opposite directions. Saw this today on Valor when the server was glitched and the Hunters were going in quasi slow-motion. The Hunters also slow down and speed up when you fire your broadsides to avoid getting hit, which many of us have long suspected.
Had a good time watching this in play literally dozens and dozens of times.
The En Gardes actually go back and forth as needed as well. It was quite hysterical watching them "boogie" as they tried to dodge incoming fire.
And who can fail to appreciate the now infamous "hook" or "S" dodge, when the enemy ships literally go around the incoming fire, without missing a beat?!?
Add to all of that the broadsides from your ship that fail to recognize the ship right next to you, wailing on you, and shooting in slow motion for about 10 feet straight into the water, either in front of, behind, or on the side of the enemy ship, or simply out the rear or front of your ship, where absolutely nothing exists.
Good ole beta...
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