kill the person before

Hector was tied to the top of coconut tree, then natives from the island tied a rope to the top of said tree and slowly brought the top to ground level, where they cut the rope and slung Hector across the island.
I shall send the assassin that Zuko from Avatar the last Airbender hired to kill the avatar after Aahz.
He can not fail, he never has
Never send an assassin to do a pirate's job (as I run my sword through the former CaptainGreg and throw his body overboard to the sharks, loot his possessions, steal his ship, and sail off to the horizon).
Screws the rules, because I have Money, and proceeds to cheat at a children's card game, the winner gets to live, and Sans365 is not a protagonist, nor am I a minor villain. NYAH!
I challenge Hector Wargull to a Shadow Game! I go first! I summon He-Man, with 9000 Attack Points, and put him in attack mode! I attack Hector Wargull's life points directly! Have a fun time in the Shadow Realm!
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Kills Orion by making fun of your hair, which is worse than any pirate could come up with! smelly dread locks!!
Prove that I have the swiftest blade and run SwiftBlade through and through (while wearing earplugs to prevent any more music related deaths). And no, that wasn't Through and Through featuring Will Reagan.
I drop all my summer homework on Wehttamwulf, crushing him under all 40,000 of my papers, and causing a death by 1000 paper cuts as all my notes and books fly apart at lightning fast speed!