
Don't know if you've done this already but once you go up hill, you go left after going upstairs in the little town to what kinda looks like a hallway and then just follow through until the other side of kingshead when you see somewhat of a place that looks like Fort Charles from Port Royal. If the enemies aren't there in that locations, just kill the center group next to the hanging post until they spawn up.
I believe they used to switch in with EITC Mercenaries dont quote me on that i may be entirely wrong but if you need them on Kingshead id try server hopping if they arent on the server you try.
ye the random spawn is glitched so whatever you see whenever you get there is how its gonna stay the whole time your there sadly..
I found one the other night and it kept respawning. Before you go up the stairs to where the place that looks a little like the fort at Port Royal there is a yard with a wall around it. That is where I found one.
I found one the other night and it kept respawning. Before you go up the stairs to where the place that looks a little like the fort at Port Royal there is a yard with a wall around it. That is where I found one.
Ok I will keep looking. Have been jumping servers and still no luck