Knights of the Blood Oath


Pirate Apprentice
Hello there, welcome to the Knights of the Blood Oath. We have been keeping watch of enemy activity that could be a harm to the civilians of this game. Recent sightings of the PK (player killing) guild known as, "Laughing Coffin" has been spotted. As the new owner of this guild, I have decided to be recruiting new members to keep the people safe. Any age is accepted here. Hope to see you soon with the k.o.b.

• Be a friend of the people and help other players in need. (A important part of this guild is to keep the people safe and help them when they are in need)

• Become a very strong guild and stay as one.

• Keep the enemys of the people and of the guild at bay.

Rules of the guild:
• Know your place in the guild. (Always respect your ranking officers)

• Don't be rude to other players in the guild. (If you have a complaint about a certain play in the guild report it to a officer)

This will be edited and added to once I get some more ideas.