Life's Very Pointless/Important Questions

Will Nightwolf

Legendary Pirate
Site Founder
This is a pretty easy game to play. You'll ask life's very pointless important questions, and then someone will give you a dumb well thought out answer then proceed to ask another dumb important life question....yes...the questions can be as serious or as pointlessly dumb as you'd like.

A Quick Example:
[Insert A Name 1]
Q-Why can't I fly?

[Insert A Name 2]
Because you barely got your driver's license
Q-Why is my name[insert your name]?

[Insert A Name 3]
Because your parent's hate you
Q-Why does no one laugh at my jokes?

[Insert A Name 4]
Because the economy puts so much stress on people they have no energy to laugh
Q-Why are there no peanut butter fishes

  • You must wait 5 posts before you can reply to this thread again
  • No inappropriate comments
  • No foul language
Any and all posts that do not follow the rules of the game will be deleted with no questions asked

Game Thread Approved By: Will Nightwolf

Here is the first question

Q-Why did I make this game thread?
When you go to your nearest park. Under a bench there will be a note. In the note there will be a map. The map will take you across the world leading you to your desire. When you reach your destination, there will be an X over the spot where you must dig exactly 3ft. deep. You will then discover a chest. The chest is not locked. Inside that chest you will find the code in which you can unlock Black Ops Zombie map for PS3.

Q- Why didn't I grow gills when I went swimming in the ocean? :[
Because you'd like the Ferrari, Lamborghini or McLaren. If you settle with a 66 year old and broken down one, it's not ...

Q - Why am I always sleepy when it's time to level up my pirate?
because jades u entertain ppl while ur sleeping and because disney feels like the players overwork themselves so they sleep and then we throw grenades near u saying wake up oops i said too much about what happens didnt I

Q: why is it that everytime i wish for a gigantic key it never shows up
Because all the magic in the world which could've been used to grant you wish was stolen by evil trolls.

Q-Why can't I have a machine that makes legal copies of any amount of money

Because a mob formed outside of their houses demanding something new be added to the game or else... >:]

Q- Why didn't I start flying when I threw glitter-dust on myself?- the fairy I bought it from said it was legit.. :[
