Looking for a guild that doesn't run around inviting everyone they see

Hello there! I'm a veteran of a small guild that suits your requirements so if you're interested you are more than welcome to join us! :D
Join the Outlanders. We have a tight knit community and are very active. Usually about 5-10 people online at a time, and most of them are the same few of us. We have a discord and we are looking for more people. We ARE a pirate guild and we like to plunder.
I joined the Supreme guild just to avoid the constant guild invites while playing the game.
They're a group of dedicated, mellow pirates that are there if you need them and leave you alone when you need that.
A friendlier bunch of pirates cannot be found.
Good Luck!
All of these guys are self advertising, I would recommend DA. They have a more strict recruiting process although it is quite big. If you want a smaller guild that doesn't go around inviting a lot of people, make your own! Oh yeah also Olympians are cool, but their members do a lot of random recruiting.
All of these guys are self advertising, I would recommend DA. They have a more strict recruiting process although it is quite big. If you want a smaller guild that doesn't go around inviting a lot of people, make your own! Oh yeah also Olympians are cool, but their members do a lot of random recruiting.
May be a little late on this one :D We don't go around recruiting people with no guild. If someone wants in they have to ask :D
Ohhh, I know exactly where you're coming from on this. I was guildless for approx 1 week before I got so irritated by the random invites, I made my own.
No, I'm not trying to recruit you my guild...I just made it to have a guild title and stop the invites. They become very intrusive and I figure any guild that's going to invite me without knowing a single thing about me probably isn't one that I'd want to be in :p
I Hated Run bye Guild Invites , In BootStrappers it too k me 2 -3 hrs or more before I tried to recruit , I tend to like Quality over Quantity !