Lootable ships

BullWhip Griffin

Wanted Pirate
Sailing doesnt have much incentive after you max your ships, this is why I believe there needs to be more stuff added to sailing. I suggest adding lootable ships just like you would loot any normal weapon. For instance you can loot a QAR to have for yourself, or even a Ship of the line. Im not sure exactly how it should be lootable, whether when you dock there is a chance of you obtaining one or maybe after you board QAR there is a chance you can capture the ship. I am not sure exactly how this would work and how balanced it would be but i think it would be a good idea because it gives people that like to sail something else to do because mat runs is all you can do right now and after you max your ship it is pointless. I also think this would give people more variety in what ship they use. Let me know what you all think of the idea.