Glitch Main Quest Bug-Recover A List From Trading Co.

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I just tried again on Wicked for the 2 quests he needs serches for in Beckett's and Fort dundee ! NO GO ! At a Stand still after + 6 months of pearl quest MIA from Aug 6 th update ! lol
I tried everything on my end I could since one acct can still search but not the other . Wonder if they add bugs to certain accts but not all ? lol
Just started getting back into the BP quest line and I’m having the same problem as you guys, I cannot collect the warrant from the desk. It’s impeding my progress and it’s frustrating.
Me too. Just started this last week after an update. I'm not sure if it matters, but I have had 5 or more characters. I have deleted some and am wondering if that might be what's affecting things.
Well, I was just wondering. I deleted a toon then created a new one. Seemed like that was when I started encountering this.
Just started getting into the BP quest line and I’m having the same problem as you guys, I cannot collect the list of ships from the desk in the hidden EITC office.
I do have two other toons who have completed this quest.
  • Most quest searchable containers now function properly. Others, such as shelves or cabinets do not. We're working on getting those fixed!
Just started playing along with 2 friends, and none of us can complete the quest, The desk just says nothing of interest here.
We have all re logged several times, tried on several different oceans, everything we could think of.

Please Help. We have nothing else to do but grind levels...
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