Request Make chests despawn faster

I didn’t like the OP since I want time to take a screenshot and think about what I’m looking at before making a final decision on what, if anything, to take. I more like Roger-Daniel’s idea of adding a button that you can select after you are finished with the container, but with the modification that it would make it not open for you. It should still open for others and still be there but just no longer open for you, skipping to the next container in the queue.
I didn’t like the OP since I want time to take a screenshot and think about what I’m looking at before making a final decision on what, if anything, to take. I more like Roger-Daniel’s idea of adding a button that you can select after you are finished with the container that would make it not open for you. It should still open for others and still be there but just no longer open for you, skipping to the next container in the queue.
Yeah, that's Im trying to say more along the lines of, sorry for the vagueness!
Is this really an issue now that the second screen of loot is available? Why not keep the long-term stuff "light" = ditch weapons that have features you honestly don't use, or no longer need (like resistance to knockdown, which is irrelevant when fighting stumps if yr >level 40).
Is this really an issue now that the second screen of loot is available? Why not keep the long-term stuff "light" = ditch weapons that have features you honestly don't use, or no longer need (like resistance to knockdown, which is irrelevant when fighting stumps if yr >level 40).
I don’t understand what a second page of items has to do with piles of loot containers at a boss. As for Surefooted, I would think most ppl would want at least one item with that ability for looting Dry Rot and Devil Root but if you have no interest in looting them then yea, no need.
I did say level > 40. Knockdown is only for a few seconds at that level. So I can beat Devil Root alone with various weapons. Can't you?
Totally disagree with the loot despawning faster, what if your inventory is full and you need to go through to decide what to remove for the drop and it vanishes. Going to go with what roger said. Add a function to manually despawn the item after you're done with it.