Suggestion More ship spots

I Feel that making a player have the ability to own more ships would make the game more enjoyable for people like me who find that sailing is their favorite part of the game. And by adding more ship spots would make the higher level players who have maxed their ships find the game more fun because they had previously maxed as many ships as possible and stopped playing the game. Also as a person who mainly mat runs and SvSes having more ship spots means that there is more mat running that you need to do the make a better svs ship. Also why cap the number of ships you can own in a pirate game because pirates are sailors and are always trying to rule the seas and have the biggest and baddest ships on the seas. And for those who are mat runners, their favorite part of the game ends when that max all their ships. Also adding more ship spots would maybe bring a few old players that stopped after their ships were maxed come back to the game again. All I’m asking for is like 3 or more ship spots for us mat runners and svsers find the game all that more fun after you maxed ships to max another one.

Geoffrey O’Monk
I Feel that making a player have the ability to own more ships would make the game more enjoyable for people like me who find that sailing is their favorite part of the game. And by adding more ship spots would make the higher level players who have maxed their ships find the game more fun because they had previously maxed as many ships as possible and stopped playing the game. Also as a person who mainly mat runs and SvSes having more ship spots means that there is more mat running that you need to do the make a better svs ship. Also why cap the number of ships you can own in a pirate game because pirates are sailors and are always trying to rule the seas and have the biggest and baddest ships on the seas. And for those who are mat runners, their favorite part of the game ends when that max all their ships. Also adding more ship spots would maybe bring a few old players that stopped after their ships were maxed come back to the game again. All I’m asking for is like 3 or more ship spots for us mat runners and svsers find the game all that more fun after you maxed ships to max another one.

Geoffrey O’Monk
O'Monk. So also, could you be saying that to just delete the ship would be very painful and not a satisfying way to handle your ship inventory?
One idea that I had was some way to save your completed ship in a file in your tlopo game client folder with an ability to reload any one of your ships into the slots we are allowed as is. So if you had a desire to build another ship, save off your maxed ship to free a slot. Then in the future if you feel like sailing that one again, you could do so. With terabyte drives we could have massive fleets at our disposal.
Do people build ships geared for svs? So, one could have like a pvp/svs fleet and a quest/matt fleet.
Just a thought.
I mean that seems like a good idea until you think about that every time you want to sail a ship you would have to go into the game files and fish which one you want to sail out. Also I’m not 100% sure that the devs want us going into the game files just to sail or svs. And yes people do build ships for certain purposes like svs or mat running. And also last time I checked most people don’t have computers with terabytes of storage in them. And yes just deleting a ship which you have spent many hours trying to max is not very pleasant Trust me I know.

it is a good idea just not very logical if you think about it. And also Having those files for your ships is better than what we have currently. I mean Were not talking about some crazy important thing that keeps the game running. It’s just a few ships.
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Of Course I'm for more ship slots every time it's suggested!!! The exact way to organize and accomplish this will become more complex as the total number of ships available to each player increases, assuming we'd like to have a clearly organized inventory. I guess that 10 or 20 ships would be easy enough with the system as it is but I see no reason not to have unlimited slots if there were a good system for their storage and cataloging.
I mean that seems like a good idea until you think about that every time you want to sail a ship you would have to go into the game files and fish which one you want to sail out. Also I’m not 100% sure that the devs want us going into the game files just to sail or svs. And yes people do build ships for certain purposes like svs or mat running. And also last time I checked most people don’t have computers with terabytes of storage in them. And yes just deleting a ship which you have spent many hours trying to max is not very pleasant Trust me I know.

it is a good idea just not very logical if you think about it. And also Having those files for your ships is better than what we have currently. I mean Were not talking about some crazy important thing that keeps the game running. It’s just a few ships.
Well, it's more of an inventory control possibly giving players an opportunity to save a favorite ship as long as they play the game. Well. yes, just about everybody including laptops have terabytes of storage. It's normal now. But that's not a problem or an issue, because tlopo files aren't that extensive right now anyways. The game would save ship profiles on your system like they do everything else, in an encrypted, at least I think some game files are encrypted, but at the very least in tlopo system files with their own extension. I would suppose how often a player want's to shuffle ships is up to them, but to me if you have almost 4 maxed ships you're playing the one that isn't maxed and haven't really played the first one in months. But again, it's an idea and a user decision how to play. I don't really feel it's fair to the staff and their server space if we want a bunch of ship slots that could possibly be offloaded to our systems instead. Server side I believe already stores session profiles of every players time online. Tlopo have a way of going back and correcting or giving people back stuff, but I don't know how far back they store players sessions and stuff. I don't think they can go back to my pirates level 3 and give me back a ship I made then.

I'd say if they add my ship spots it be the same scenario as more inventory..

Yes in a sense it would. But I’m not asking for unlimited ship spots (although I wouldn’t mind that) just a few more or at least the ability to purchase more ship spots for gold. Nor am I asking for them to make a new ship entirely. Just 2 or 3 more spots for people who do find sailing or SVS the most enjoyable part of the game. I mean even just having those save files for ships would be just fine. Also tlopo did add a ship spot a while back so we know that it can be done.
I want a rear cannons to get extra shots in while heading to port from war ships.
I feel 4 ship slots is fine at the moment, With 4 you can have 1 of each ship type. I mean if more ship types get added then I'd be all for more slots.