Event  Movie Auditions: Pirates of the Caribbean - Moon and Fate

Making videos like these is hard work. Almost nothing goes your way, ( Like when editing) and you always have to have different plans if something is not the way you want it, ( Not enough ppl showed up, etc)
You also have to handle large amounts of people, telling them where to go, what to do, etc. That can take up most of the time. When I was making Pirates and the Sea, and Irish Pride, most of the time was just getting into the right place.

Another thing you have to do is to plan. Plan what the video is going to be, what you have to do and when its the best time to do it. I ended up learning that when I made PATS, we spent around four hours, all one day, taking shots and getting into place, because I didn't plan. When Irish Pride came around, I planned it out; Instead of doing it all on one day, I split it up. It was easier on me, and the Players that were with me.
I had also made a Schedule, so that it would fit most ppl free time, If they missed one day, there was another waiting for them.

Of course, I didn't start making videos this planned out just like that; I had to start small, and after trial and error, ( Lots of 'error') I was finally able to do the 'big' videos, ( Even though they causes headaches.)

When making the video, take your time. And if something messes up, find a way around it, even if you have to start over, which I hate. And of course, have fun! If you don't have fun, it'll be seen in your work, and you don't want that, believe me.
I hope it's not too late but, I would like to try out for the Main Character's ex- girlfriend. Could you tell me more about the character? plz :drink:
I honestly dont mind what part I play,I had many parts in Lawrence Daggerpaine's Upcoming 2 hour long POTCO OST