Name Your Guild Please

Molly McSilver

Site Founder
This would be a great thread for everyone to post what guild your in and your pirates.
There are many on the forum that i have not met in the game .
EDIT (Dec 24, 2010 6:07 AM):
Molly McSilver /Spania
Rose Sunslipper/ Zombie Rebels
Rose/Zombie Rebels
Rose #2/ Zombie Rebels
Jordan The First/ Zombie Rebels
Evil Strawberry/ Undead Placemats
lol... Rose Sunslipper (my main) can't really join other guilds... all my friends are in Zombie Rebels x.x
I am in Spania. My Daughter has a charecter that she uses and she use to be in Spania but does not really play that often so she is guild-less at the moment. I have another character Sven Dockrage that is guild-less... I never play him though. He was what I started out with until lvl 14 when my daughter was just learning the game we shared that character until she got the hang of it.
I have a test server character that Bill Dockrage or something like that... he is Spania as well.
I have actually been spending most of my time on test the last couple of months getting that character through the black pearl story quest.... I think he is on his last quest for it.
Isnt this thread the same thing as posting your pirate on this site. You can put the guild name with your pirate.
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Isnt this thread the same thing as posting your pirate on this site. You can put the guild name with your pirate.
This is easier for me because i can just scroll through the thread instead of trying to figure out who's who. I think their are others who might find that it's easier for them.
Maybe this is a good time to suggest a directory that solely lists the pirates and their guilds like the actual Pirates Online directory? Not as detailed but maybe just list all the pirates that our members have on their profiles, the different guilds, and cross reference to the members. Although, it sounds like a chore as well unless it self updates...
My guild is Lady Elgin. We've only got a few members. I've been playing online games with the guildmaster since we met in college back in the dark ages (1987).

Funny thing about the guild name. We asked for Mary Ellen Carter, a name we knew from a song recorded by several folk bands we are big fans of. Disney disallowed the name and recommended Lady Elgin to us. A little research showed us to have links to that particular ship. The Lady Elgin was a paddleship that sank off of Chicago Illinois back in 1860 while sailing out of Milwaukee (we spent a lot of time in both cities during our wasted youth). A lot of those lost were Irish-Americans (third generation myself). The wreckage was found in 1989 off a town about 15 miles from me. Naturally we were sold on the name.
Maybe this is a good time to suggest a directory that solely lists the pirates and their guilds like the actual Pirates Online directory? Not as detailed but maybe just list all the pirates that our members have on their profiles, the different guilds, and cross reference to the members. Although, it sounds like a chore as well unless it self updates...
I'd love to see that happen.
Liza Jadeweather - Spania (formerly Die Ink)
Liza Zaas - Die Ink
Princessa Nemesis - Your Nemesis (my own guild)
Jacobie Pop - Guildless, this character remains the endless noob and changes from month to month...