Suggestion Naming ships

Do you agree with being able to choose custom ship names?

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I guess this would fit under suggestion, idea and request. I don't know if a thread was made in the past, but it just came to my mind. Having a custom system to name ships instead of just selecting normal ones. Of course there would be guidelines to it, such as you can't name your ship The Black Pearl or Queen's Anne Revenge, but you get the point, it would have to be accepted just like guild names or player names. It would be awesome to see custom ship names for a change.

Let me know what y'all think.
I see no reason not to have it .

I was quite surprised when I bought my first ship because I thought it would be the same as naming a pirate; choose from a selection, or request approval for a custom name. Obviously there would need to be suitable guidelines in place, as you say :)
Yes of course. Players should have the ability to express themselves creatively. Naming a ship through the way you propose would be interesting. I'd name mine something along the lines of 'Rust Bucket' or maybe 'Ol' Unsinkable'. something like that. So i vote and fully believe that custom naming your ship would be a good thing. Cheers and good luck plundering! :D
I see many ships out there with the same name as do you. I agree that we should be able to name our ships and come up with something creative as long as it fits the guidelines. Nothing vulgar or suggestive of course. As long as it's not offensive and can pass a review like custom pirate names it shouldn't be a problem. I think this is a great suggestion. Thank you Pelayo.