Found another Ad
New ad.png
OMG I loved that figurehead! WHY did they take it off! It seems they always take things off because people have bad computers/graphics cards and can't display it... WHAT ABOUT US WITH GOOD COMPUTERS?!
Yes i miss the skeleton figure head Btw my old computer dint have any problem with graphics
Oh ya last add i seen was like in the beta stage of the game at a disney sponsored thing in my way to disney land
and some add in tv a LONG time ago .
I think potco should really make Tv adds they cant just let players tell people as a advertisement method take Wow for exaple theres tv and adds every were :hypno: is making me dizzy
Get this... I found this one on this forum!! Its apparently some downloadable game from the website listed below. Who knows it might get people into looking more into POTC games overall... IDK. But I do find it quite interesting even if its not POTCO.
I saw one for LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean the other day. Then another for POTCO. They're probably hoping they will get more players and make more money by posting ads.