Please Close PiratesOnline Now!

They do this to the test server all the time it seems. I only play there when the updates come so that might be why. I've had this happen many times before. Its not unusual.
O_O! I never knew they had that! But I guess you were right! I'm just not in it though ... :lol1: - still shows confident face -

mmmhmm they must have spelled your name wrong and it was Ben Badbones :D
I is a good person they love me/ except Don THEY HATED ME i got banned like everyday...
:mad:dont steal my names - hissssssssssss -
No! I'm not in that filing cabinet ... - being persistent here, I'm a good pirate too :D -
I'll tell ya, Ben ... Retire Don Alejandro (I guess he'd make a home in that filing cabinet? :p). And I ain't stealing your name or Don's name; I'm not in it to begin with! ;)
O_O Lol look at chat log...