Ahoy @Z3US,

I'm having trouble understanding what you might be referring to. Would you be able to give us the name of your quest, where you picked it up from, and the location of the Navy soldiers you are referring to so that we might be able to analyze the problem?

As well, if your problem persists, please contact TLOPO Support for assistance:

Fair Winds,
From my knowledge, the earliest Navy Soldiers quest that doesn't take place on Port Royal would be defeating four Navy Cadets in the Wildwood on Tortuga, which I seemed to have been able to accomplish on my own just now. If I am misinterpreting the quest that you are actively on, please open your Journal using the J key and let me know the actual title of the quest that you have marked, like so:

Otherwise, if you are still having issues with defeating these Navy, remember that Pistols can NOT be used on human opponents such as Navy/EITC, and shooting at them will not damage them. Finally, if nothing else has worked up until this point, I would recommend switching oceans via hitting the M key and clicking on the drop-down box above the Caribbean's map, shown here.

Sometimes, the AI of a specific enemy can be a little bit wonky, however, this may be corrected by teleporting to a different server.

Fair Winds,