Suggestion Sailing XP for repairing

Bonny Anne

Wanted Pirate
I think that when you successfully complete a repair mini game you should get an amount of XP for however fast you finished a mini game. This would give an incentive to repair the ship for the people who don't have cannons instead of AFKing
I've always felt like those who repair are the unsung heroes while those on cannons/steering get all the glory. Understandably so, to be fair, but I do think there should be some sort of incentive for those repairing. Rather than XP, I think ~25 gold per mini-game completed would be nice. Would add up over time, but it's also not enough that people would be neglecting cannons at the first hit from an enemy to get the gold.
I think repairing should have a mini-level like fishing or potions. There's no skill tree to allocate points into, but each level you get some small bonus to your repair capability. (Emphasis on small - this needs to be balanced so SvS ships don't become invincible with four high level repairmen.) This way you still get rep for it, and it's rewarding, but you're not just dumping it into the sailing skill.