Blog Post Seeing Red

Cheysa Finn

Pirate Lord
Posted by Crazy Ned on Sept. 16, 2016, 1:50 a.m.

Boooooo! Booo! Who are ye?! Go away!

Ahh! Wait -- are ye friendly? Oh boy! I think ye are. Yer a sight fer sore eyes. All this howlin' from these creepy, red orbs be hurtin' me ears. They be angry at somethin', but I don't know what!

Mates, listen here. Me name be Ned -- but yer probably already thinkin' I'm cuckoo in the head, so I suppose Crazy Ned would be a more appropriate alias fer ye all. I been livin' here on Raven's Cove all by me lonesome for ages -- it's got me a little wonky in the head.

Anyhoo, right -- back to them creepy red orbs. I think they be ghosts... Since they're so angry, maybe we can dub them Rage Ghosts. There seems to be a lot of ‘em roamin' around me island, too. All they do is howl and cause a lot of racket -- and they always be laughin' at me and threatenin' to send me to Davy Jones' Locker. I'll not be assumin' things, but I'm certain they do mean what they say.

I know, I know. Ye be darin' pirates, lookin' fer a challenge. Say... If me memory serves correctly, there actually is a way to down these baddies. The secret be hidden around here somewhere. Recently, these ghosts have been weakened somehow! When ye encounter 'em, they not be givin' ye as much pain -- but still be leavin' quite the pinch -- so be careful when ye be snoopin' around one. That's as far as me memory will go. It's up to ye to figure out the rest.

Happy huntin' -- and don't forget about me o'er here! Keep me company!
I don't know if this is the case every time, but just as an FYI: Loot drops from the rage ghosts where they spawned, not where they died.
So I'm going to naturally asume that something is being done to fix this insane lag when trying to fight the ghost... You can't even see it lol. There are 30+ people at the location causing insane lag. I suggest to spread out the enemies so people dont all have to be in one place at the same time.
Just a forewarning to anyone who plans on fighting these rage ghosts, if I were you I wouldn't go there expecting to get anymore than 5-10 fps, if you do you're in for a disappointment. You may get 10 fps only if you're lucky, typically though it will be lower than that. I personally don't think this is an issue seeing as how once beta is released it will be very unlikely that everyone will be at Raven's Cove fighting rage ghosts. Just a little PSA. :)