Idea Ship interiors


Pirate Apprentice
Hey guys, I had thought of an idea for Ships, they could have interiors, where you go down inside this’s ship and there could be storage crates where you could store items from your inventory, and those items could save in there, and reset when your ship sinks, so you would lose those items when the ship sinks!!
While the idea is cool and all, this would force a lot of people to have a ship they never actually fight with. Nobody would want to risk losing the items in this ship, so they would never fight with it.

That brings us down to two usable ships. Three is already too few!

Additionally, those of us who are confident in sailing enough to put items on all our ships happily - well, I'd never be able to lend my ship to another player again without fear of losing all my stuff. To include when the captain crashes and someone else takes over!

I love the idea, thematically speaking, but to lose it all when the ship sinks would be detrimental to gameplay for those of us who love to sail.