Ships....and their meaning (to me)


Honorable Pirate
I did this with islands earlier. Except, this one will NOT be nearly as factual. I know very little about the ships, except I like to shoot everything with them :p.

Light Sloop: For the love of God people, stop getting on the light sloop with two fury users. It ruins SvS (for me, at least)

Light Galleon: Should I dare say, one of the most common ships in the game? For the longest time, it was the largest ship basics could buy. I had three of them, because reasons.

Light Frigate: Before all the light ships were available to basics.....who used this? Seriously, who?

Light Brig: Never used one, nor will I ever

Sloop: Personally one of my faves. It's fast, and the cannons are just a couple steps to the right/left. Having a cargo of 1o, still keeps it usable later on.

Galleon: Very underrated ship. Not too slow, and broadsides a plenty. Also, has got a respectable cargo space. Also, in the trade battleground Caribbean, Galleons were used by the Spanish. Pirates feasted on these

Frigate: Very overrated ship in my opinion. Little less cargo space in exchange for a more sturdy hull compared to a galleon. And not that much faster than a galleon. I'm better off with going with a Sloop or Galleon.

Brig: See Light Brig

War Sloop: The perfect signature ship of someone. Fast, decent cargo space, and a lot of cannons close together. Perfect for bonding, by sinking things and wasting Britain's tax money. How lovely.

War Galleon: Truly, the most underrated ship out there. High cargo space, most hull points, and most broadsides, all while having just two less cannons than it's frigate brother. Unfortunately, it the slowest, and needs a good driver to handle it to the crew's advantage. Still, it's my fave.

War Frigate: Most high level pirates prefer this over their other war counterparts, and I guess I don't blame them. Probably the most jack of all trades one out there. 2nd most in hull points, 2nd most broadsides, and 2nd most broadsides. It only has two more cannons than the war galleon, while having less cargo space than it.

War Brig: See Brig
I really did like the brigs once they came out. I was only basic at the time and only played for a week but nonetheless they where a neat ship. I agree with you on the galleon. My goal had been for the longest time to get a War Galleon when I first started. I skipped the light Galleon and went straight to a Galleon and then eventually got my self a War Galleon. Very fun ship. I really want to get one and upgrade it down the cargo fortune hunter line. Then have a skull and bone War Brig and a streamlined War Brig.
Love the war brig ( it looks like the black pearl a little :p ).

Not the best ship but... COOLNESS FACTOR!!!! :p :p
War brig and War sloop are my favorite designed ships since their hull designs look quite practical as well as proportionally realistic, plus the War Brig's sails point straight ahead instead of being rotated slightly like the War Frigate and War Galleon. I also like how the sloop's sails are the most unique.

Gameplay wise, I mained a War brig since it had the same speed as a sloop with the broadsides of a Galleon. I kept a War Frigate for Treasure Fleets and a War Galleon for Mat runs.

I still hope that in TLOPO we can have four ship slots so we can have one of each category.
The thing is for me, the War Brig isn't really a jack of all trades. If it's second in everything, that would make it overall the best ship possible. What I really liked about POTCO's ship class was that it had a sense of balance. Maybe if I would be happy with the brig if you could choose a more defensive or offensive choice? But idk. It's just my opinion (which is FAR from fact).
I will always love the War Galleon. I liked it because it was the biggest ship and the broadsides on it were awesome, also not to mention the hull integrity! All you have to do is get a Streamlined War Galleon and you were good to go! I HATED War Frigates! The way the Frigates looked in all of POTCO looked absolutely NOTHING like a real Frigate, or a ship for that matter! Can anyone find me picture of a real ship that looks even remotely like the Frigates in POTCO?
The thing is for me, the War Brig isn't really a jack of all trades. If it's second in everything, that would make it overall the best ship possible. What I really liked about POTCO's ship class was that it had a sense of balance. Maybe if I would be happy with the brig if you could choose a more defensive or offensive choice? But idk. It's just my opinion (which is FAR from fact).
The Brig for me was that in every pvp battle you had to change tactics depending on the ship you where fighting. If you were fighting a sloop you would sail the brig light a galleon or a frigate. If you where fighting a galleon or a frigate you sailed it like a sloop getting on their stern. I personally like it because of its diversity. I had a galleons broadside, a good bit of armor, the frigates crew capacity and deck guns, and the speed of a sloop. It also could hold a reasonable amount of Cargo.

What I think would be great is if players could have up to 12 ship slots so we could have at most three of every type of warship. I would personally just like to be able to have several War Brigs and War Galleons with different upgrade trees. For instance for the War Brig I wanna Skull and Bones, a Fortune Hunter, and a Storm Chaser. Then for the War Galleons I want a Copperhead, a Fortune Hunter, and a Skull and Bones. For me to do that I will need at least six ship slots. Really it might be reasonable for for the developers to make it so that players could have up to 20 ship slots so they can have all five major variants of the War ships. Although at that point I think that would become just a way to show off wealth or how much of a no lifer you are by having that many fully upgraded war ships lol. I think you should have the option to do that though. It could mean you could dock and quickly adapt in pvp at least. The main reason for this line of thought though is because originally when their was only the Sloops, Galleons, and Frigates you had three ship slots so that you could have one of each ship type. When they realized the Brigs It surprised me that they did not add a fourth slot. Personally now I think they should have added 20 so that a person could have all five variants of a ship.
"Wherever we want to go, we go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails. That's what a ship needs. But what a ship is...what the [Insert Your Ship's Name Here] really freedom." - Captain Jack Sparrow

My ship, the Midnight Revenge, was a war galleon. Black hull and black sails. Closest thing to the Black Pearl in the game. It was magnificent...and huge-ish...and gone...

Anyways, I liked war galleons the most because they were the powerhouses of all of the ships. When I launched the Revenge, no ship was safe. Except the ships of the line and the bounty hunters. I never was able to upgrade the ship adequately enough to withstand those threats. But I also liked war galleons because the Black Pearl was a Spanish war galleon, and I wanted my ship to look a lot like the Pearl.

The three ships I possessed were the free light sloop that I was granted when I began my journey into the world of POTCO, a war sloop called the Renegade Raider, and then my grand flagship, the Midnight Revenge. You oughta appreciate your first ship, as it was given to you for free and is probably the fastest ship in the game, even more so than war sloops from my experience. If I ever needed to get somewhere without an island totem fast, I took the light sloop. For privateering, I took the Raider. But most of the time, any voyage wouldn't have been the same without the Midnight Revenge.
In real Carribean times, a brig would be a small one or two deck ship with many cannons on top and no broadsides.
A sloop would be a very, very small one deck boat, really.
Galleons were like what the brig was in POTCO.
Frigates weren't really like anything. They were just a spark of imagination, I reckon.
If I remember correctly, Frigates were mainly used to haul soldiers to different ports due to pirate activity
As a basic access member for most of my pirate career, I only had a Light Galleon and Light Sloop. But man, the Shadow Dragon was probably the most fearsome Light Galleon out there. For the short 2 months that I had unlimited, I had a War Sloop, War Frigate, and War Galleon. I mastered sailing before anything else. The War Frigate was my favorite because it was a jack of all trades, but it was always a good time taking my War Galleon and poking a billion holes in whatever I could find, commonly sinking war ships with one broadside blast :D And the War sloop was always good for getting places fast but still being able to be a threat.

It's gonna be a tough choice when TLOPO comes out... I really hope they allow us to have up to 4 ships so I don't turn myself inside out trying to decide lol.

I wasn't around in the time of the brig class, but I've always heard that their broadsides didn't train to enemy ships as well as the other classes (smaller targeting angle). Is this true? One thing's for sure I'll definitely be going on public brig ships to try and experiment if the captains will let me haha.