Discussion sucky "Moderator"


Shamus The Brute

I used to be a online "moderator." Let me tell you why I sucked in such a role. But first a clip from a movie on the important matter of hot wings:

As someone whom had entered playing POTCO but had no idea about how online (gaming) communities flourished, to this day I am most appreciative of that experience in being granted as online moderator. (I began first as 'forums' moderator and then later as [general] moderator). However, I really sucked at it and here's why:
  • I am the type of person to put my duty first and above any personal desire for fun/pleasure
  • I found that my own weakness in indecisiveness (I reflect and contemplate 1st) made it challenging to moderate quickly and effectively, oftentimes at the expense of quick resolution
  • I found it a challenge to withhold myself/my personal bias and opinions for "the cause" (towards the goal of fair and reasonable decision making/judgments)
  • I found I prefer to be on the level of everyone else, rather than someone whom was not, in lieu of titlement
  • My online time was becoming quite sacred to me and so, in a way, I chose the selfish road as opposed to humanitary (community) caregiver
In all of the ways above ^ that I sucked, I wonder to this day how many OTHER people knew this. :confused: In retrospect, I believe other moderators affiliated with some aspect of gaming possibly go through this same ponderment and doubt. Hence...to remain a moderator is a task for a elite few (whom do happen to have a firm grasp on the various doubts, inconsistencies, or judgement hiccups which often wreck havoc on a moderator's conscience). In plain terms, the job is not easy.

Weekends were always busy, holidays were a nightmare, and there seemed to never be enough time to adequately respond to a (community) fire :blowup: which broke out to which the (moderator) firehose could efficiently douse. In a lot of ways, time itself became my public enemy #1.

I wonder how many people online understand this about their game or forums moderators. Hmmm...;)

Anyway, yeah - I feel the job itself has unique and specific challenges. Your own thoughts? Include them below and thanks for reading.