SvS SvS Community Role Call and Discussion

Was a free to play in the original PotCO, but always loved SvS. It was fun to see how each side would utilize different ships to try to get an advantage. I do seem to recall Light Sloops with "Fury" cannonballs being a particular nuisance, but I employed those same tactics myself, hehe
(usually just maneuvering a high ranked cannoneer in place mind you - I was level locked at 15 :pirate:).

I think its also worth noting that the "auto-balanced" sides mechanism on the busier servers was worth it in my opinion... I.e. if there were too many French, you were auto ported to Isla de Avaricia to fight for the Spanish... This kept SvS from being 15 v 5 or some other unbalanced figure, but I don't recall it coming into play on some of the smaller servers under Disney.

Looking forward to its return!
I spent a lot of time playing SvS during the later years of POTCO but I wasn't good at piloting and was almost always a gunner. I look forward to playing SvS again once I get my revenant ram back.
A long time ago, I had asked a master sailor/captain/privateer how to best succeed in SVS. This Captain was extremely patient with me and was open to sharing his own insight and tips (to myself as well as others pirates whom played POTCO/frequented this forums).

*For the love of the game (and SVS), I would like to share these tips with others from a pirate whom was gracious enough to do so for the welfare of all pirates of the Caribbean...whom both loved to sail and to enjoy POTCO's SVS:
I had Loved Svs before there was the new "hax" by cheating players at the time! My specialty was firing guns for the guild Notorious as me pirate then, Akasha Moon. I had maxed skills for a cannoneer & loved my job/hobby. If it's really not working now I hope it will very soon, Svs is the best kind of virtual naval warfare & too much fun!!
I wasn't very active in SvS, mostly because I was too busy hosting huge raids and loot runs. I want to get more active, though. Would any captain take me under their wing, teach me the ropes, and the strategies?
I wasn't very active in SvS, mostly because I was too busy hosting huge raids and loot runs. I want to get more active, though. Would any captain take me under their wing, teach me the ropes, and the strategies?
The go to strategy in my time before ship upgrades where a thing was a light sloop and a Fury gunner. Light sloop because they are nigh impossible to hit and Fury gunner because they pack such a hit. Any large ships weren't viable because they are easy to hit at distance and broadsides are rather useless because they are easy to avoid. How things went after the ship upgrades went out I have no idea, stopped playing before that.
I quit playing seriously around the time the weapons overhaul came out, and before infamy and the brig/ship upgrades came out. I always remember taking my canon with fury loaded on a friends light sloop and wrecking havoc with anyone who would dare sail in a ship larger than mine. No idea what its like with the sailing items, and the fancy ships so be a new experience for me.

I would like to see a change in how broadsides behave because before they where useless and easy to avoid in anything really. As much as I like the light sloop/fury strategy, it got dull to see the same ships out there.

Also... I would like to see SvS expanded to the shores of the two islands, be cool after sinking so many of the oppositions ships we could raid that island and duke it out on land or even boarding other players ships and battling it out on there.
I've already bought my ships, allotted my skills, and reached the gold cap again. Perhaps I'll be fortunate enough to fire up the old teamspeak with some old friends.
Or maybe some new ones
The go to strategy in my time before ship upgrades where a thing was a light sloop and a Fury gunner. Light sloop because they are nigh impossible to hit and Fury gunner because they pack such a hit. Any large ships weren't viable because they are easy to hit at distance and broadsides are rather useless because they are easy to avoid. How things went after the ship upgrades went out I have no idea, stopped playing before that.

Not if you're proficient at hitting light sloops :) I am notorious for my aim.
See what if

this happened client side on SvS XD. It's possible. It could be done.