The Curse of Jolly Rogers Revenge Lure ( sword idea )


Aye, I recall hundreds of moons ago, a weapon of pure evil and distruction. I was once just a scallywag like yourself, plundering and struggling to make ends meet for yerr brig. many moons ago I was just like you out checking out and EITC fleet outside port royal. out of no where lighting coursed the sky i swear the placement of the moon showed it was midnight but all the sudden the sky light up like it was day. next thing i know 20 undead frigates and sloops surrounded the fleet and all i remember was this big flash of light and a ripple in the water so powerful a ship of the line would topside. i got washed onto the shores of port royal and hordes of the undead flooded the beaches. jolly was armed with this broadsword of doom that shot lightning out at the pirates trying to fight the hordes. if this sword cut you you became cursed. while it sucks the life from you empowering jolly. i called this sword jolly rogers revenge. eventually a few pirates outsmarted jolly with a musket and shot the sword knocking it out of jolly's grasp while another pirate picks it up and slashes jolly with his sword. stunned jolly retreats leaving his sword behind. now scallywag this sword i have is one of many jolly has created to cause destruction across the seven seas. if you obtain this sword you will become the strongest pirate in the 7 seas. if enough of us find one maybe we can chase joly back once and for all....

Lil Syn Aster
Black Scorpion

anyways so this is just a creative idea for a weapon droppable by jolly rodger in invasions it would have a curse ability that causes the sword to do the same damage that a voodoo doll curse does and if a voodoo doll curse is used it stacks on top of that causing an extra 30% damage on top of like a 15% curse giving a total of 45% curse damage buff life drain 2 and lightning strike just a concept let me know what you think