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A challenge for a key (challenge #1, easy)

1. You start with the following encoded string: Y2YL!HP2EAPK22YP2H!
2. A key has this format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX, where X is a char in range 0-9 or A-F (always uppercase)
4. Reserve lookup and good luck!

I do not understand this..English, please?
All of the staff have been given some keys to give out to whoever they want, so I imagine you may see more giveaways that are easier.
A challenge for a key (challenge #1, easy)

1. You start with the following encoded string: Y2YL!HP2EAPK22YP2H!
2. A key has this format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX, where X is a char in range 0-9 or A-F (always uppercase)
4. Reserve lookup and good luck!

Is the answer in form of the actual key? (XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX)
A challenge for a key (challenge #1, easy)

1. You start with the following encoded string: Y2YL!HP2EAPK22YP2H!
2. A key has this format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX, where X is a char in range 0-9 or A-F (always uppercase)
4. Reserve lookup and good luck!

Are you using XOR you sneaky little hacker
HINT: It's expected that you get a number from that string and hex it. Then add the dashes and you have the key.
HINT2: index
Good luck to everyone and good work on the website looks awesome, I tried doing many different things and tried researching after 30 minutes I gave up, lets be real most of the people here including me have no idea how to do anything that involves coding, I was hoping it was going to be a puzzle where you could solve it by clues and by trying different things.

probably wrong

This is a pretty hard public key encryption algo, ... i'm impressed. I don't expect anyone here to get this right, and i'm not sure why you do either
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Try registering on the website with the key. That's the only way to figure out if it's right.

Also, we're not idiots. We know how to encrypt stuff.

And you expect a community like this one to decrypt it? :confused:

Also, i don't know why you're acting hostile

Unless this is to see if anyone can crack the algorithm, so then you guys could change it

Illuminati confirmed.
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A few hints:

The easiest solution is the right one;
No coding skills is required;
This is not encryption but enconding;
Pay attention to #4;
Use #3 to convert #1 into a number and hex it, uppercase and add the dashes.

Challenge #2 will be very easy.
Due to some of the issues here, below is my own contest for a different key. Lets see if you all can figure this one out.

It all starts here, decrypt the link and follow the instructions:


This link is encrypted using one of the earliest methods of encryption. Research the origins of encryption and you should be able to get it.
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