Tip  The Ultimate Sailing Guide

Actually Basil, if you can stop and start quick enough, you can evade broadsides in PvP... and some serpentine weaving can minimize incoming deck gun fire.
Broadsides are not to much of a problem in svs.(with the exception of a few who mastered this solo war frigate). Stop and start could evade broadsides and maybe a a few shots of deck gun fire but it also throws your own crew off aim and miss the enemy...
SvS Tip- Know Your Angles

First let me say that these tips are mainly about sailing with the crew as they play a crucial part in svs. You always want to be at a position where your crew has it easy to shoot the opponent and your opponent's crew has a bad angle to shoot you. Parallel sailing is common however not the best because it puts the battle in completely in the hands of the crew. As a captain you should place yourself in the gunners position on the ship you are sailing so you know if you are on the wrong position and angle. The best angles or position against your opponent are kind of diagonal from the enemy where your side is not facing the enemy's side but their their rear or front so their crew is vulnerable to shoot you. In other words, your crew has an angle to shoot but theirs doesn't.

This is a vivid explanation of what i mean. Like i said these are just a few(means there is more positions than these) positions and this might not always work depending on your opponents skill and how he/she defends himself. Also it depends on your speed and experience to execute this action.

SvS Tip- The Weak spots

This is not just in svs but sailing overall. In svs however, this plays a major role in the amount of damage done to your enemy and amount of damage received.

This is on the up-left corner under your pirates health/voodoo for your ship and on center top of of the screen for the enemy ship. Like i said in the graphic above, it shows which side is more damaged therefore will receive a greater amount of damage from broadsides or crew ammunition. You should use the less damaged hull side and attack the more damaged hull side of the enemy ship.
Awesome guide Leo. I've noticed lots of those light sloops don't know their gunning angles either, doesn't the positioning angle a little more toward the front or back because of the bigger gunning angle?
WoW. Nice visual Leo! FINALLY...something my brain can absorb, lol.

While sailing in SVS and your retreating from a few attacking ships, drag the stalkers into an area of the sea known as the Labyrinth. A group of unihabitant , rocky islands can be found scattered around the sea. If you need to make a grand escape, and no sea turtles are in sight, sail towards those rocks and make sharp turns. With luck, your attackers will hit the rock and then that one second will cause you to sail out of the archpeligo and off to repair.
Only do this if you are a master sailor and are able at the helm. This method will get better results if you are in a sloop. You might want to practice this a few times on a quite server to remeber where all turns in the islands.
When you don't SVS for a long time and it knocks down your rank, will it knock you down to a different title too? I mean, if you're the highest level of svs and you don't do it in a year, will it take away all the titles you earned and put you back to the beginning? :mad: