Screenshots TLOPO Beta - The Only Skull In This Chest Be Yours


Wanted Pirate
The idea of this thread is basically the exact opposite of the Famed / Bright loot thread. We've all been there, farming looking for that famed / legendary item you had in PotCO, then after a while that chest drops.... You know that fancy shiny one. You run up to it excited and so hopeful, then you open up your skull chest and you're overwhelmed with disappointment. It's a lot like getting a big pretty present on Christmas, then when you open it up it's just a lousy pair of socks that your grandma packed into a bigger box.

So come share your socks with us, you'll feel better I promise.
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Aha! Well to be honest I opened at LEAST 20 skulls before starting to save them for this thread! Was trying to get some for the winners thread. (Otherwise known as the famed thread) :p

This doesn't quite fall into the same category but here's a LONGGG run I did, wanted to fill my ship with 16 skulls, but we ended up calling it early. I ended up crashing when we ported! Not too distraught over it though since I was mostly out there to finish leveling my sailing.