Discussion TLOPO Quiz


Pirate Lord
How much have you been paying attention to every last possible detail? :D
I know the wiki has a similar game, but I decided to create my own!
Head over to this link, and try it out:

I am #1 on rankings because i have never used the site and I tested the quiz not knowing what would actually happen!
If you guys like this kind of thing, feel free to make your own and post it below, or I can make some more 10 question quizzes if you would like :D

Good Luck!
Nice quiz @divine :) I think with more questions though, it could be even better!
Also, for constructive criticism, I would recommend (if you can) to limit the amount of retries or do not allow a retry at all. Not for the sake of the leader board, but if you keep redoing it... it doesn't exactly show your POTCO/TLOPO knowledge if you keep retrying. Just my two cents, other than that I really enjoyed that and thought it was fantastic! :D
Woah did no expect this kind of response. I only made it timed so people wouldn't try to cheat. I'll try to make a regular one today. Thanks for all the feedback!
I am ashamed lol, score of 307 and only 1 question right :p Almost all of the questions that I managed to get to were relating to topics that I haven't experienced in POTCO/TLOPO yet (I left around 2010 due to basic access restrictions lol). I definitely look forward to discovering all of the content that I wasn't around for, and becoming much more capable of taking this test :p
I am ashamed lol, score of 307 and only 1 question right :p Almost all of the questions that I managed to get to were relating to topics that I haven't experienced in POTCO/TLOPO yet (I left around 2010 due to basic access restrictions lol). I definitely look forward to discovering all of the content that I wasn't around for, and becoming much more capable of taking this test :p
I'm going to be taking you alongside me on this ride, whether you like it or not. :p