Suggestion we have an eye roll emoji before a thumbs down emoji


Pirate Lord
what da heck
Okay first of all the forums are a place for academically rigorous discussions, including favorites like "I didn't really like the copperhead nerf, here are the names and addresses of the TLOPO team" and "So what is the gambler's fallacy anyways?"

While the eye roll emote enables our more intellectual members to be sarcastically dismissive, I'm concerned a dislike emoji would only serve to empower the unwashed masses.
Okay first of all the forums are a place for academically rigorous discussions, including favorites like "I didn't really like the copperhead nerf, here are the names and addresses of the TLOPO team" and "So what is the gambler's fallacy anyways?"

Drop the hammer Davy

I think it would probably be used the same way as an angry face at this point, a trial run of it even would be cool to see
