Suggestion "What's new/welcome back screen" interface when you login to game


Wanted Pirate
Hello guys,

I apologise if someone has already suggested this, but I think it would be nice if a welcome back screen appears when the game is first started. Ideally, once a character has loaded into a server. I'm not sure if this is even possible, but maybe this can be added in the future. Back to the interface, it will include announcements and events which should be clickable. Players would be able to read and also dismiss it after. Most games have this, so it would be a nice addition. Maybe it can be called "Welcome back, here is what's new" The welcome screen should be a 1000 x 600 box/menu maybe.

For example, the interface could also include these updates showing below too. I wish I could create an interface menu to explain this suggestion more clearly.

I would be grateful if you guys could comment and maybe help me explain the suggestion better if you understand my suggestion :D I'm not really great at explaining things.

Thanks for reading
I like this. Except it could be shown in the select character menus of the game instead of after logging in. There could be some sort of noticeboard that can be expanded to show game updates, current redeemable codes, messages from friends, guild notices, and more. It should also be possible to open the noticeboard midgame after pressing ESC and selecting it.

To add to your idea - it would be nice to have the ability to:
  • Leave messages to other players (whisper them when they're offline)
  • Have guild goals and greetings that display upon login
  • Have a player profile integrated into game with some sort of "wall" and communication system (players can upload screenshots, share tips, etc.)
  • Like
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This is actually relativly simple to do and if you dont want to type out a post everytime there is a new addition they could setup a API connection w/ the gui to update the post with the latest news post from
Another thing I forgot to mention was an inbox. The TLOPO team could send gifts like gold and special outfits to players through the inbox during special events. The inbox will also be where messages sent and stored will be. (Trading items could perhaps be added through this mailbox system)

Also, this inbox system will solve a problem a few pirates face. If you complete a quest or redeem a code that awards you an item (and your inventory is full), the item will be sent to your inbox instead of disappearing.